Let me introduce you a friend of mine. Her name is Shakirah and I often called her 'Shakier' I don't know what's the meaning of Shakier though, others call her 'Qee' which representing a key. She's our key!
Now let me describe some of her character, well I don't know where to start actually. Frankly speaking she is very talented especially in drawing. She has an album in her facebook account that is entitle as 'I do things that can make me happy'. Yet, that could be her quote because the thing she does really make her happy. She's the key!

She always comes up with various ideas, anywhere she is. Even in the class, there she goes drawing. She will draw anywhere she wants, I mean.. who cares? Even on the face, don't trust me? Just see it below this post later on. She did drew something on the back of her Principles Of Accounts' note and haha, yea I like that. At least something attract her to read them. She did drew me a couple of monkeys before and I really like it.
Now, let's see her literary work.

Face's art

She do carving too.. on a soap,

on apples,

the latest work from her,