Thursday, December 31, 2009
31st December 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 4:57:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Welcome & Goodbye
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:41:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: unlabeled
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Oh by the way, just a reminder, do speak english whenever you talk to us, but very simple english please or what we call 'bahasa kapal'. Haha. We used to be this childish.. I'm not boasting that our english is good but we're just practicing our english, we want to make it better. Again, we're not boasting or show off or whatever.

done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 2:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: scouting
Friday, December 4, 2009
My lovely boy..
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 8:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: syang~
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 12:29:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: unlabeled
Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm going to try my best tomorrow, just this morning, I wake up early and had my bath. Then, I took my typewriter and starts to type a story. It was in a sudden, I did not even know what I was typing about. Hehee.
Norhafiezzah Jamil, a friend of mine, will also sit this exam tomorrow. So, good luck Pjay.
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:57:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: exam exam huh :(
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Hmmphh.. About this picture, my eyes looked.. OLD! Ngeahhh?! I did not have enough sleep the night before, I'm into Mr. Midnight books. Haha. And it was scary. I couldn't sleep, I was thinking about the charaters in the story. Haha. Next time, don't read it again, but I did, yesterday!
Oh yeah, not forgetting-
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Faten Amira Izzaty,
Happy birthday to you~
Monday, 16.11.2009 & 10.34am
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 6:06:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: weekend(s)
Friday, November 6, 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 2:50:00 AM 0 comments
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 4:53:00 AM 0 comments
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 8:44:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: exam exam huh :(
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
5Sci3 Hari Raya Celebration
There are a kind of too much pictures taken, but not by me. I did not attempt to bring my camera *cause I don't have one* moreover mobile phone is not allowed. My friends tagged me and the others in facebook, so I think I would only take some of the pictures there and post them here.
Exam is just around the corner and I got stuck on my revision especially my P.O.A. Too bad.

From the L, standing: Hajah Nur Amirah (Ameer Lee, asst. monitor), Yasmen, Ra'biatul Adawiyah, Yanna Fasilah & Hidayatul Atillah.
From the L, sitting: Teacher Hajah Norafidah, Faten Amira Izzaty & Arnee.

FAI' holding the Rasta scones. Caption: "I love Rasta XD" - FAI'

Ameer & Me & Faten. Caption: "Ehehe, btah makan ani" - Yanna

Anne, checking out the food maybe.
Rab & Ejan. Caption: "Notice the diffrences between us" - Ejan
Below are the photos taken while the celebration is on.

edited on: 20th October 2009 11:36
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:47:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Raya
Sunday, October 11, 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 9:04:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: unlabeled
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
my bad attitude
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 5:38:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends~
Friday, October 2, 2009
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 2:50:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends~
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
13th Sept. '09.. It's Dinie's birthday (y)
There should be no doubt today is
This is Meilx & Yonne, while preparing the cake's candles.

" Happy Birthday To Our Beloved Brother Mimit "
and here comes the birthday boy. Nope.. He's not a boy anymore, he's a man now.

As usual, me & my sister, Yonne.. We ♥ this thing call "begambar" .
Hehe. We used to be this cute. Pehhh~ perasan.

done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 1:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: birthday~
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Malay Oral Exam
Fuhh~ the oral exam was so hard. Pehh~ antah dpat ka inda tu krang..
mudahan tah dpt, woohh~ susah ooh susah. haha tapi lega lah jua after oral atu tadi..
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 5:43:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: exam exam huh :(
Friday, September 4, 2009
waiting for sungkai

picture was taken on 27th Augustus '09 exactly at 18hrs.03mins.42secs
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:25:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Ramadhan
Happy birthday
Ahha =D. Kaka, I miss you lady. Hehe.
May Allah bless you & wish you always success in your life.
Be happy and do not let anyone and everything let you down.
Wish you had a long life fill with happiness and rewards from Allah.
Hope to see you again sister.
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 2:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: birthday~
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm pretty confuse
good, good, you're good.
syang, aduhh. me ragu-ragu uh.
tdi, tyme online, nick mu syang, bgi tkajut.
siapa tu? ataupun ayat saja?
aduhh. ragu-ragu ulehnya.
if syang ada teman baru, gtau right.
I will let you go, if u want.
It's okay, it's your choice..
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:24:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: syang~
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It is a lesson
I have read all the content in your blog.
I found out that you are not as honest as a man should be.
I declare now that I believe in such a sentence that I never want to agree till now,
' your best friend is your enemy '
However, I keep it silence though my feelings still hurt by today.
Which means, I have forgive you since the very first time I read it.
Yet, it is true my friend. What had happen last time is a lesson to you.
When you are dishonest to someone, then he/she will also dishonest to you.
Till, your relationship never been pair again.
In this case, you said something about me that is terrible and horrible for me to read it again.
Honestly, you do not know me yet and what had you posted in your blog about me are incorrect.
However, it is great to have you as a friend for the forgiveness,
but, do not you say that you will remember it till morrow when you forgot about what had you did to me.
You never say sorry to me and how can you expect me to say so. I know your heart is too vulnerable that I must and force my self to ask to forgiveness first, and expect you too say sorry from me for what have you done. But, however, you seems not to remember it, but it is okay, it is fine. For I do not want this event to be lasted long again.
Bare in mind, my dear, I am not an honest girl that you have known for long.
Till then.
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 1:32:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: friends~
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
16th Augustus '09

" my worse nightmare "
" sweet vampy "
*photo taken while waiting for goat meat*
haha slurping~
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 3:05:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: weekend(s)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
fever week
This morning we had Literature In English & Biology I. Oh I really hope that I will get B2-C5, C6 is the least. If I got less that what I am expecting then I would be SOOO SADDD.. :'(
Monday - Maths II & Chemist II
=D I'm looking forwards to Monday morning.
ohh ohh~ Monday morning rain is falling..
* <3 ĀωīĒ *
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 5:33:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: exam exam huh :(
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Awie sayang~ happy birthday ~ ~
`09 Augustus, '09`
Awiee sayang~ happy 18th birthday my dear. I'm so sorry about what had happen this dawn just now. Wish u a happy life ever after and stays 'malim'. Be a good son to babah&mama and those who are around u. Now u are 18, u will get ur driving license soon, jgn gauk uhh.. ahaa =D wish our relationship last long, Amin.
*Awangku Azzuri*
.Ilobiu&Imissu so much.
.Awie.. You are the one and only.
^*^ My sweetest boy ^*^
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 7:25:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
slurp slurp =D
My sis just came back from her friend birthday party. Then, she went up to my bedroom. She waved her hand and there was something on her hand. And guess what, this is what she bought for me..

My viewers or followers, whoever you are, whose wants to buy or try this yummy asam boii,
you can buy it at The Mall Gadong, 2nd floor. 100g is $4.60. That is the only place in Brunei I know where it were sold. But, if you want to search the even cheaper price, so just give your car a little bit exercise and drive to Miri Parkson. It was even cheaper there.
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 5:06:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: slurp slurp =D
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I'm not taking it lightly, honestly you are a sword to him. He feels the pain but you don't. I'm not trying to back-upping him for the sake of him. Think it thoroughly my friend, every story you told me make me think that you almost forget about him. Remember that, he thought you are the only one.
* Probably you won't know that I am writing about you. It's better for you not to know, for I am caring your heart. Your heart probably saying that I am rude to you, because I wrote about you. For me, it is the other way. *
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 1:48:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
November O'Level Exam
to go before
November 2009 O Level Exam!
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 11:45:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: exam exam huh :(, school
Thursday, July 23, 2009
some of my friend made a study group at the Tutong public library.
I just dropping by for about 20 minutes, just want to submit the books that I borrowed last two weeks and takes photos with them.

It's me, Yanna a.k.a. Si pendeks a.k.a Yayai
Faten Amira Izzati, one of my closest friend
Nurul Hafizah, she's a good mentor in maths
Nurul Hafizah together with Ameer,
Ameer favourite sentence " asst. monitor yg bertauliah "
and yet, she is.
* The other two ( Fatin Nuralifah & Normas Hamizah a.k.a Aimee ) photos is not here *
* sorry girls, nada ambil photo kamu kelmarin *
done & created by FasilahT. tick tock! = 11:52:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: unlabeled
You Are a Nerd |
You don't want to change who you are. You may have a bit of trouble fitting in, but that's fine with you. You like to spend time alone. You have enough interests to keep you occupied for years. You do have a few fellow travelers that you're close to, and they're as big of nerds as you are. |
Freya Alice
You Are a Satanic Horror Movie |
You are obsessed with the idea of evil, and unlike your typical horror movie, the devil isn't someone you can just kill at the end. Even if you aren't religious now, it's likely that you come from a religious background and still think of the world in those terms. Your favorite movies explore the idea of satanic influence... stuff like Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, and the Exorcist. |
classic Halloween
You Should Be a Werewolf |
You see Halloween as a time you can go a little crazy. You love to scare people, and people are quite scared of you. You tend to be intimidating - and not just on Halloween! |
shy shy :s
You Are 32% Shy |
You dread difficult social situations, but you still handle them with grace. In fact, no one but your closest friends has any idea that you're actually shy. You do your best to break out of your shell. You are confident and friendly. |
Your Reputation Is: Sweet Girl |
You're reputation is mostly good - as good as any rep can be. |