I'm back from my camp, 21st Dec. - 23rd Dec. '09. It was very challenging, for the last two days we spent almost the whole of the day in the march field, padang kawat. It was really HOT!, and I got sunburn again. HeaaHeaa, I'm so red and black!
We studied about how to handle fire with full care, and we got chances to hold up the hose but what a regret I didn't hold it up, because I can tell it was heavy moreover my back bone can't support the weight.
Not really much story to tell though. Nishah from R.I.P.A.S School got gastrik, hmm well not really gastrik but we called it 'dugal' in malay but it's some kind of gastrik though. Fathur join in the camp and he really got everyone crazy, the boys sometimes afraid of his hyper-active behaviour and moreover he is 'pondan' hehee. Let's talk abt Iswandi, we still call him Jubong, never know what it means.. Jojo a.k.a Khairshah like to call him Shasha Gaga, another version of Lady Gaga. Zura is in a relationship again with Manja, really a sweet couple. She's taller than me and I really hope I can be taller just like my other friend.. Hmm..
Me, Hazirah, Mu'izzah, Habibah and Nadhirah sleeps in one camp together. The second night was very cold. I was shaking starting form 3a.m and I can't sleep again since then.

Oh by the way, just a reminder, do speak english whenever you talk to us, but very simple english please or what we call 'bahasa kapal'. Haha. We used to be this childish.. I'm not boasting that our english is good but we're just practicing our english, we want to make it better. Again, we're not boasting or show off or whatever.
The following are some other photo during the camp.
First day, night: - Forum night & The night where X-United started to used English Language.

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