I can't even remember when is the last time I went to Miri, perhaps I have never been to Miri. Maybe I had, okay, but I'm not sure. I only remember I ate an ice-cream cone, and drank something at the same time. I still hold my mom's hands back then, probably I was 7 at that time or less. About the places, it is one of these - Lawas, Labuan, Limbang or Miri. Haha, I don't even know which one, alright.
Anyway, I went to Miri last week, Friday the seventeenth. It was my luck Nuzul told me that the Pusat Library hold a visit to Miri Library. Unfortunately, they did not have enough people, so they invited the Tutong Library staff & members - anyone above 12 years old. I wasn't sure if it was a trick or what, but I visit Razlinie's face-book account and it was true. So, I participate in the visit as well. I just need to pay $10. And therefore, that is my first time to Miri, and I'm eighteen, already. And Miri is just next to Brunei, but I've never been there? Hehh. Lol.
The outside of Miri's Library. I steal this from Hanif's facebook account. Haha shhh~ The inner part of the library, hmm I don't know where to get them.
After that, we went to another two places before we head back to Brunei.
1. Bintang Plaza
2. Boulevard - inside.

I even made some new friend, most of them from Bandar - the Pusat Library specifically.
Iman at the back, Razlinie with yellow chain necklace.
Hafiz in navy blue. That guy - so tall.
I'm in green with that BIG cellphone on my T's.
Iman in gray, Razlinie at the back & Azizi in white.
The other two, can't remember their names.
In green - me :)
The outside of Miri's Library. I steal this from Hanif's facebook account. Haha shhh~ The inner part of the library, hmm I don't know where to get them.

1. Bintang Plaza

I even made some new friend, most of them from Bandar - the Pusat Library specifically.

Hafiz in navy blue. That guy - so tall.
I'm in green with that BIG cellphone on my T's.

The other two, can't remember their names.
In green - me :)
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