06th July '11 @ 20.56hours
I'm sleepy, my eyes just wanna close since 6pm/18.00hours just now. I'm sooooooo sleeping, like seriously I wanna sleep, NOW! Thinking of lying down on my bed, I pictured my boyfriend in my mind. He is always in my mind. He is out of credit card, so we can't really communicate right now. But I know he miss me so much just like I miss him. He is full of passion, and he do really teach me to be passion.
I move to MTSSR starting from 04th July 2011 onwards. The college is really big, just like my previous school.
*I will continue later on. Cause I wanna sleep now. * Good night. Malam syang, suamiku, belalang-man ku, awangku Azzuri. emmuwahx! :p
15.40hours @ Lab 5..
So let me continue my journal. I applied to live at the hostel, and that makes me have more than one orientation. I got my college orientation, college department orientation and lastly my hostel orientation. So far, two were already complete. coming next is my hostel orientation..
Got some new friends, frankly saying all of the are new friends. Not only the same intake as mine, but also the seniors. At which it makes me a little bit more comfortable to be here..
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