Let's see what had happened this year, 2011.
Probably this is going to be a loooong post.
Notice that I typed 'probably', that's is because I'm not sure, hehe.
So back in January 2011.
1. Waiting for O'Level result (As an up-graders a.k.a repeater)
2. Online shopping a lot.
3. Playing It Girl on Facebook - addicted.
4. Eat a lot.
5. Didn't even meet for a date.
6. Join in Youth and Sports, Tutong.
7. Went for Scout's lessons every Friday.
February 2011.
1. Got my result - total up, I scored 5 O's;
Bahasa Melayu, English Language, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics
*I'm pretty proud for my last 3 subjects*
2. Register for Sixth Form in ****
3. Back and forth to school a lot.
4. Browse the website about colleges in Brunei.
5. Experienced the first harsh & rude orientation ever.
March 2011
1. Continued attending the orientation - till 5th March.
2. 3rd March - Gone through the worst misunderstanding ever with my boyfriend.
3. 6th March - Cried for the relationship that was just gone.
4. Went to Miri for the for the second time - with ITB pupils.
5. Had the first camp with Youth and Sports in Danau.
6. Applying to join in **** College.
7. Lied comes and go but stays cool.
8. Graduated as a Squire Scout.
9. Re-union gathering for 5E (Repeaters, class of 2010)
April 2011
1. Went for an interview to go to the college.
2. Got my Scout Drill certificate.
3. Fight fight fight!
4. In love with Biology
May 2011
June 2011
1. Sat for GP progress test
July 2011
1. Accepted to join to the college.
2. Apply to stay in the hostel.
3. Found new friends.
August 2011
1. Babyboo's birthday - 09th August
2. Dayang Norsalikin & Mursyidan's birthday - 10th August
3. Babyboo's fathers' birthday - 19th August
4. In love with Mathematics.
September 2011
1. Received allowance for the first time ($210) 0.0
2. Short test! Short test! Short test!
October 2011
1. My birthday - 31st Oct c:
November 2011
1. Phase Test 1
(Maths, Program Design, Computer System & Maintenance, English and Information System)
2. Looking forward for upcoming holiday.
3. Received assignments
(Program Design, Multimedia, Office Application)
4. Izyani's birthday - 10th Nov
December 2011
2. Hand-in assignment (information System)
3. Ready for Multimedia assignment
4. Awaiting for school to re-open..
5. 4th year anniversary - 31st Dec 2011
6. Have a new background for this blog

That's the end, I'll see you soon.
Lots of Y!
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